

When Mr. Siu taught us about the trigonometry quadrants with "Add Sugar To Coffee", 
in fact, I memorize it with "Sex And The City" instead.

I first watched it in F.2. That's an episode about Rescue from S3. 
It was the first American TV series I watched. 
I couldn't say how much it influenced me precisely.
No matter how many times I re-watched it, I still enjoy it very much. 

I just finished an episode from S5, and got intrigued and moved so much.
Carrie tried so hard to gather the girls for Charlotte's celebration, 
but they all had their own concerns. 
Miranda became easily tired after pregnancy. Charlotte was afraid of losing her charm. 
Samantha was busy in keeping an eye on her billionaire boyfriend. 

- Will we still be friends when we're this old?
- Sure. 
- What do you mean, ''sure'' ? l could barely get us together for the weekend and we're all mobile. Hey ''New Yorker'', l'm talking to you. How are we gonna make it to 70 if you've already zoned me out?
- l'm listening. Talk fast.
- Friendships don't magically last 40 years. You have to invest in them. lt's like savings. You don't expect to wake up when you're old and find a big bucket of money.
- Did you finally open that lRA? 
- No. My point is, we need an emotional retirement plan. This is important, making time for each other and taking trips like this. As we can see, at the end of the line, it's gonna be us ladies riding a bus. 
(Carrie talking to Miranda) 

- What role did you think they were going to play in our lives?
- We might have hit it off. 
- Come on. Look at the odds. How many guys do we ever hit it off with? Very few, and even if we do, those relationships don't last. Even if they did, men die first. We're back where we started. l say we skip all the drama and enjoy each other's company... Now.
- But l don't want to skip all the drama. That's life.
- That's everything. That's relationships and anniversaries and kids.
- l want all that, in addition to my friends.
- That sounds wonderful, but don't bank on it happening.
(Carrie talking to Charlotte) 

After all, I figure out why girls love watching SATC so much.
It's because we all have a little bit of Miranda's cynicism,
a little bit of Charlotte's hope and fantasy towards love,
and somehow also want to be as sassy as Samantha.
Yet, we can't. We're all mixed and messed up, ending up being like Carrie,
who always questions about life, love, and ourselves.

